To purchase an item from a seller on Icephorm Collection, simply complete the online checkout process. Once completed, your order will be processed by Stripe and shipped by the seller.

When you find an item that you would like to order press the ‘add to bag’ icon. This will bring up a pop up asking you whether you would like to continue shopping or view your bag. If you click view your bag this will take you to the check out screen, alternatively the continue shopping button will close the pop up. You can also view you bag and check out by clicking the bag icon at the top right-hand side of your screen.

When you’ve arrived at the check out page click the ‘Stripe pay now’ icon and enter your details to finish the transaction. If you have selected items with multiple currencies, you will see a separate check out box for each currency. Simply check out through each ‘Stripe pay now’ as normal to complete the transaction for each item.

Payments made through Stripe are processed immediately, your will also receive email confirmation from Icephorm notifying you of your order status along the way.

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